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Zeekit: Try It On and Stay at Home

It’s impossible to talk positive about Covid-19, but the one upside it fetches to – it made the fashion industry stop, take a little break and think. Reconsider. Look around for solutions and decisions that will not only save the industry from a strengthening crisis but lead to big changes all companies needed long ago. The crisis and fall of the fashion world opened the road to new opportunities and strategies in marketing, communications and upcoming sales and production.

To recover everything that was lost, and make fashion great again, big companies need to learn how to play by different rules – to adjust to a burning reality. There is no secret to admit that customers aren’t able to go out shopping the way it was done before – and will not do it again in the nearest future. Still, e-commerce is about to burst, so the companies are in need to deep down into bringing the customer experience to a brand new level, in order to increase revenues and attract not only the loyal audience but also the new one.

Since the technology has been evolving day by day, spreading around in all fields of activity, the fashion industry might have to take a look at the opportunities that open with an engagement of AR, CGI, and 3D potential. If a customer can’t touch the clothes, has no way to try it on quickly, or estimate how the dress fits in, and whether the colour is perfect, the only solution is to relocate the fitting room inside his or her home with no need to undress. And most companies need to take in consideration an unlimited capacity of technologies in developing the whole new level not only of communication with customers building their loyalty to a brand, but also in new ways of production, marketing, shopping experience, and way to present new collections.

Start-ups and apps such as Zeekit might become best friends for brands during the harsh times of the lockdown and the useful tool in creating strategies and new directions of running a business. The fashion industry will never be the same – it’s true – and it leads to fresh ideas, most of which may be implemented using technologies. Digital fashion shows, in-app fitting rooms that demonstrate the way clothes look on a person, the possibility to try on prices of the new collections before it is released in the stores and online – it’s not a complete list of what companies can do with an emerging tool of the digital era.

by Natalie Balkivskaya

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