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  • Writer's pictureF'OLITIQUE

The States General of Italian Leather Goods Sector

The emergency due to the spread of COVID-19 is having disastrous consequences for the whole Italian economy, including the leather goods sector. In the first quarter of 2020, the Italian leather goods companies suffered a drastic drop in turnover (on average equal to a reduction of 37%); orders fell down by about 45% on average.

ASSOPELLETTIERI – the Italian leather goods companies association- since the beginning of this emergency has fought for alarm voices of the companies in the sector to be heard, a 9 billion euro supply chain (2019 data) which 85% consists of exports; more than 4,000 companies that employ around 35,000 people and which, like many others, are put to the test.

In order to that ASSOPELLETTIERI decided to organize an important moment of exchange of views between all the players in the leather goods sector to talk about this situation and to make companies understand that 'making a system' is, today, an essential value. The main actors of the Italian economic world will also be invited to attend the event.

"The States General of Italian Leather Goods" will be held on July 23, 2020, 10:00 am, in Florence at the Salone dei Cinquecento in Palazzo Vecchio, the event will also be available in live streaming on Mipel TheBagshow youtube channel:

The event is co-promoted with the Municipality of Florence.

The choice of Florence as the venue for this event has a symbolic value: Tuscany represents one of the most important leather goods production districts, 60% of the Italian production comes from this region representing one of the main economic assets.

The movement promoted by ASSOPELLETTIERI, therefore, has to start from Tuscany, obviously widening the range of action meeting the needs, problems and requests of leather goods companies of all the other - equally important - Italian production districts (Lombardy, Veneto, Emilia Romagna, Marche, Abruzzo and Campania).

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